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We offer Vaccines for all purposes

Travel Vaccines

Travel vaccines have been proven to protect from diseases for years. Travelling without a required vaccine could risk you and your family’s health when travelling to high-risk areas. Don’t risk it, with travel vaccines taking less than 30 minutes; there’s no excuse not to have one.

Whether you’re travelling for a sunny holiday, business trip, expedition or field work, it’s important to be aware of the health risks which can occur when you are away from home. Taking precautions such as travel vaccinations will go a long way towards keeping you healthy, as well as alleviating any unnecessary pressure on foreign healthcare systems.

We offer all our clients a Travel Health Consultation with an expert clinician. A 20 minute consultation covering medical history, a destination specific risk assessment & vaccination recommendations.

Vaccinations can often require multiple doses or time to become fully effective. Ensure that you book in for a Travel Health Consultation 4 weeks prior to your trip. If this isn’t possible, always book in and get the recommended advice & vaccines as some protection is always better than none.

Occupational Health Vaccines Workplace Vaccines

Occupational health is about staying well at work. If your job puts you at risk of cuts that may be exposed to soil or dirt, or you regularly vaccinate, take blood or come into contact with bodily fluids, our service can offer peace of mind. Protect yourself and your staff against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and polio, Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR), Influenza and Varicella  in one place.

  1. Blood-Borne Virus Protection: We offer vaccinations to safeguard against blood-borne viruses, complying with legal requirements. Protect your team from occupational risks.

  2. Tailored Vaccination Plans: Depending on your industry and specific needs, we create personalized vaccination plans. Healthcare workers, first responders, and other professionals benefit from our targeted approach.

  3. Influenza Vaccination: Seasonal flu can impact productivity. Let us help you maintain a healthy workforce by providing annual flu shots.

  4. Expert Guidance: Our team stays informed about the latest vaccine developments, ensuring you receive evidence-based recommendations.


Trust [Your Clinic Name] for reliable occupational health vaccinations. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

Offers For Employers

If you are an employer wanting to protect your employees contact us for more information on 0114 4372808

Anti-Viral Vaccines


Gardasil HPV Vaccine: Protecting Against Human Papillomavirus

What Is the Gardasil HPV Vaccine?

The Gardasil HPV vaccine is a powerful tool in the fight against human papillomavirus (HPV). Developed by Merck & Co., it specifically targets certain strains of HPV, which is the most common sexually transmitted infection among women1. Let’s delve into the details:

1. What Does the HPV Vaccine Do?

The primary purpose of the Gardasil vaccine is to reduce your risk of contracting HPV. HPV is often spread through skin contact, especially during sexual activity. While most types of HPV are harmless, some are linked to an increased risk of specific cancers and genital warts. The vaccine provides protection against:

  • Cervical cancer

  • Mouth cancer

  • Anal cancer

  • Penile cancer

  • Vulval cancer

  • Vaginal cancer

  • Genital warts

2. Who Should Get Vaccinated?

The HPV vaccine is recommended for the following groups:

  1. Children aged 12 to 13 years old: It’s typically administered during school year 8.

  2. Men under 45 who have sex with men: They are at higher risk for HPV.

  3. Other individuals at higher risk from HPV: 

3. How Is the Vaccine Administered?

  • The vaccine is given as an injection into the arm.

  • The number of doses depends on age and immune system status:

    • People under 25 usually need 1 dose.

    • Those aged 25 to 45 typically require 2 doses, spaced between 6 months and 2 years apart.

    • Individuals with a weakened immune system may need 3 doses within a 12-month period.

4. Side Effects

Most side effects are mild and short-lived, including:

  • Swelling or pain at the injection site

  • Headache

  • Aching body

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue

Severe allergic reactions are extremely rare, and healthcare professionals administering the vaccine are trained to handle them promptly.

5. Where to Get the HPV Vaccine

  • Children aged 12 to 13: Secondary schools or community clinics.

  • Girls under 25 and boys born after September 1, 2006: Check with your school nurse, vaccination team, or GP surgery.

  • Men under 45 at higher risk: Visit sexual health clinics or HIV clinics.

Remember, the Gardasil 9 vaccine protects against 9 different HPV strains, including those associated with cancers and genital warts23. Encourage vaccination to safeguard your health and that of your loved ones!

HPV (human papillomavirus) refers to a common type of virus which affects your skin and moist membranes lining parts of your body such as the mouth, throat and genital area like the cervix, vagina, penis and anus. There are around 100 different types of HPV, most are harmless, but certain types can cause genital warts and potentially lead to cervical cancer. 

The HPV vaccine helps protect against cancers caused by HPV, including:

It also helps protect against genital warts.


Shingles vaccine: Protecting Against Painful Outbreaks

Shingles is a viral infection of the nerve and surrounding skin, also known as herpes zoster. It is caused by a reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Some of the symptoms of shingles are similar to the symptoms of chickenpox. They include a high temperature or fever, a headache and a characteristic rash which can be painful or itchy.

While you will usually only get chickenpox once in your life, the virus that causes it remains in your body. If it becomes active again at a later date, it causes shingles rather than chickenpox.

Your risk of getting shingles increases with age and you are more likely to get it if your immune system is weakened, for example due to illness or a medical procedure. While you can’t catch shingles from someone with chicken pox or shingles, you can pass on the chickenpox virus while you’re experiencing a bout of shingles.

The shingles vaccine protects against shingles and effectively reduces your risk of developing the condition. It is possible to develop shingles even if you have had the vaccine. If this happens, your symptoms should be milder and pass quicker as a result of the vaccination.

The shingles vaccine is not designed to protect against chickenpox.

The shingles vaccine is a live vaccine, which means it contains a weakened version of the virus that causes shingles. It helps your immune system develop immunity to the virus, which reduces your risk of developing symptoms in the future.

You need one dose of the shingles vaccine. You won’t need any boosters.

Who Can Get Vaccinated 

The shingles vaccine is suitable for patients aged 50 years and over who have either had chickenpox or have received the chickenpox vaccine in the past.

If you have neither had chickenpox nor the vaccine, you are not at risk of developing shingles and the vaccine won’t be suitable for you. In this case, you could benefit from the chickenpox vaccine.

You will be unable to have the shingles vaccination if you have had one or more episodes of shingles in the last 12 months.

The vaccine is not suitable for you if you are pregnant or trying for a baby. You need to use contraception for at least 4 weeks after having received the vaccine. The vaccine is not advised for breastfeeding women.

The vaccine also won’t be right for you if you have certain medical conditions or are taking certain medications. This may be the case if you are taking medicines that affect your immune system or if you have recently taken medication for herpes.

The nurse or pharmacist will check your medical history and ensure the vaccine is safe and beneficial for you before administering the injection.

If you are ill on the day of your appointment, you need to reschedule.

Can you still get vaccinated if you have already had it or been exposed? 

Yes, you can still have the shingles vaccine if you’ve had shingles. However, you should wait until your symptoms have stopped before you are considered for the shingles vaccine.

If you are immunocompetent (i.e. you have a properly working immune system) and have had a single episode of shingles in the last 12 months, you should delay your vaccination until 12 months after you were infected.

Chicken pox vaccine

chicken pox

Other Injections

Pneumococcal Conjugated Vaccine (PCV)

MMR Vaccine

Weight loss Injections


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